Exor Chairman Ajay Banga resigns Nitin Nohria to be proposed as new Chairman at AGM

The Chairman and Senior non-executive director of Exor, Ajay Banga, has submitted his resignation today following his nomination as the next President of the World Bank.

As previously announced, Nitin Nohria will be proposed as Exor's new Chairman at the next Annual General Meeting of the Company which will take place on Wednesday 31st May 2023.

Exor CEO John Elkann will act as interim Chairman until Mr. Banga's successor is nominated.

Exor’s Non-Executive Director Andrea Agnelli will not stand for re-election

Exor N.V. (“Exor”) has been informed that Andrea Agnelli, a Non-Executive Director of Exor, will not stand for re-election at this year’s annual general meeting of shareholders (the “2023 AGM”). Andrea Agnelli was re-appointed on 20 May 2020 for a term of three years, which term will expire at the close of the 2023 AGM.

Exor expresses its sincere thanks to Andrea Agnelli for his valuable contribution to Exor’s Board of Directors.

Exor to cancel repurchased shares

EXOR N.V. (AMS: EXO) (“Exor”) today starts the process of the implementation of the Board resolution to cancel 7,007,464 ordinary shares or just under 3% of Exor's ordinary issued share capital.

These ordinary shares have been acquired as part of the share buyback program which started on 14 November 2018 and completed on 6 November 2020 (for a total of 5,483,361 ordinary shares) and the first tranche of the share buyback program which started on 8 March 2022 and completed on 20 June 2022 (for a total of 1,524,103 ordinary shares).

Exor included in the AEX Index at Euronext

EXOR N.V. (AMS: EXO) (“Exor”) has been selected for inclusion in the AEX Index after its listing on Euronext Amsterdam on 12 August 2022. This was announced by Euronext Amsterdam today following its December quarterly review. Exor will start trading as part of the AEX Index effective 19 December 2022.

The AEX is a leading European index that reflects the performance of the 25 largest companies listed in the Netherlands based on free-float adjusted market capitalization, and is the most widely used indicator of the Dutch stock market.

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