EXOR N.V. (“Exor” or the “Company”) announces that today the Board of Directors meeting deliberated a series of new appointments in the Company’s committees, which now are composed of independent Directors only.
Marc Bolland joins as Chair the Compensation and Nominating Committee, which also consists of Joseph Bae and Melissa Bethell. Mr. Bae and Mrs. Bethell are also part of the Audit Committee, chaired by Laurence Debroux. The newly created ESG Committee is formed of Ajay Banga (Chair), Marc Bolland and Laurence Debroux.
Exor Committees
Compensation and Nominating Committee: Marc Bolland (Chair), Joseph Bae and Melissa Bethell
Audit Committee: Laurence Debroux (Chair), Joseph Bae and Melissa Bethell
ESG Committee: Ajay Banga (Chair), Marc Bolland and Laurence Debroux